More than Just a Juice Cleanse


Some of you may have seen part of my 3-day juice cleanse journey from Drought last month via Facebook. 
I SURVIVED, despite my husband, Kevin, bringing home pizza on the first day (I was literally drooling). 
It was challenging.  I felt hungry, a little irritable, and had some digestive issues, but what got me through was my reason for doing the cleanse.
Why did I choose to do this 3-day cleanse? 
Cleanses can be great to reset your system, detoxify, and give your digestive system a break.  I did the cleanse as a way to start my fertility journey.  I’ve always wanted to be a mother; losing my mom at such an early age has made me want to give my future children everything I missed and didn’t get.
There are so many things that we don’t have control over in this world, so as a woman who’s trying to get pregnant, I want to make sure that my body is the safest and healthiest home it can be for my future baby.  I want to do everything in my power to prevent possible birth defects and ensure a healthy pregnancy.  Overexposure to toxins, such as lead, mercury, lithium, and certain medications prior to and during pregnancy may have an impact on fetal development.  Toxins can also leach into breast milk and get passed along to the baby.   
I’m choosing to mother my baby even before he or she is conceived.  I’m choosing to be an advocate for my baby’s health.  I’m choosing to be a safe haven, a nest, and the best mother I know how to be.
The 3-day juice cleanse was so much more than just drinking juices and abstaining from food.  It was the start of my journey into motherhood.  It was starting to become the mother I always wanted to be and didn’t get to have.
Cleanses aren’t just for fertility, they can also be used to jump start a diet change, for weight loss, to reduce inflammation, to help prevent and fight cancer, and so much more.  Before starting a cleanse, it’s important to talk to your nutritionist or doctor to see if it’s appropriate for you.
Next week I’ll share my fertility smoothie recipe, so stay tuned!
Have you done a juice cleanse before?

juice cleanse

*Drought is one of my favorite companies for juice cleanses because it’s a local company, the juices are cold-pressed, organic, and are stored in glass bottles (that I love to reuse).  Their juices are filled with detoxifying and revitalizing ingredients like kale, beets, carrots, lemon, and ginger. 

Because I love them so much, AIM has teamed up with Drought to provide you with a 10% off coupon code.  Use code AIM at online checkout to get the discount off your first 3 orders.*