Valentine's Day Gifts For Couples Who've Been Together So Long That They've Run Out Of Gifts To Get Each Other

The origin of Valentine’s Day is shrouded in mystery but one thing all historians agree on, whichever saint Valentine’s Day was named after, it was named after a good hearted soul who supported freedom of choice!

When you have been married as long as I have, Valentine’s Day can become just another day. Marriage is hard and while mine is full of joy and security, it’s just as much a daily struggle to compromise and to stay present. So I practice the following daily meditation. I tell myself, “Every day you wake up, you have a choice. You get to choose the person you get to be with. I choose Dan.”

We wake up and take life for granted, but if we wake up and make a conscious choice to choose the person we are already with, it puts us in the driver’s seat for a deliberate kind of love. 

Heart Healthy Smoothie Naked Version:

  • ½ frozen banana

  • 1 cup dark greens 

  • 1 cup of dark berries

  • Orgain or pea protein

  • Water to blend

Heart Healthy Smoothie Nutra Version:

  • ½ frozen banana

  • 1 tbsp chia 

  • 2 tbsp rolled oats

  • 1 tbsp cacao powder

  • 1 scoop of amazing grass chocolate flavor 

  • Chocolate Orgain 

  • 2 tbsp of almond butter

  • Water to blend

These are not sexy recipes, but they are full of antioxidants, balanced carbohydrates, have 3 servings of fruits and vegetables, and are heart-healthy.

I don’t love nutraceuticals, but when looking for a gift for my husband, who is a bit of a fitness fanatic, has a sweet tooth, and relies on easy, swift, and out-the-door, I think these are the best of the best and make healthy and nutritious gifts for the holiday.

You can find them all on


Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow, Chocolate Rose Flavor

Your plant-based solution to collagen. This nutritional powder is crafted with organic plant-based proteins, antioxidant-rich superfoods and alkalizing greens grown on a family farm in Kansas. With 15g protein, plant-derived B Complex and C vitamins plus 100% DV biotin, it’s a deliciously convenient way to support healthy, nourished skin and joint health so you can look and feel amazing every day.


Amazing Grass Green Super Food Chocolate Powder

This delicious, thoughtfully crafted blend combines alkalizing farm fresh greens and wholesome fruits and veggies with nutrient-rich superfoods plus cacao for a delicious way to support heart health and fight cancer, daily.

Natierra Cacao Powder

Ancient noble Aztecs considered cocoa beans so divine, it could re connect mankind to one consciousness. This brand’s cacao powder is derived from the criollo bean, the rarest and most treasured variety of cacao native to Peru. It is an excellent source of fiber and a decent source of protein. A Superfood with a Soul.


Himalania Dark Chocolate Covered Goji Berries

By combining the antioxidant powers of both dark chocolate and Goji berries, Himalania makes it possible to indulge your sweet tooth while getting health benefits. Discovered in the Himalayas 5,000 years ago, the Goji berry is considered to be one of the world's most nutritious fruit. For centuries, the Goji berry has been honored among Asian cultures for its strength-building properties associated with longevity.

To love, to choice, to union, and to healthy hearts, joints, hair, skin and nails!

Dr. March

Covid-19 Update

Dear Friends,

Please do not be alarmed by the news. Nothing new has been discovered about viruses in general. They are just trying to really nail down three things:

  1. How is it most effectively transferred from person to person?

  2. How can we quickly create infrastructure to manage higher traffic of people at health care centers who show up with cold or flu symptoms?

  3. How can we have effectively tell which people who show up with symptoms have this virus versus another?

What is a virus?

Viruses are not living creatures. They are a plasma capsule carrying a fragment of genetic material. They cannot survive for a long time on their own. Without a host, they dry up and die.

Think of them as a partial blueprint for how to make themselves suspended in clear jelly.

If a person touches a surface where that virus (tiny fragment of DNA suspended in a jelly) is sitting, and then touches their nose, eyes, ears or mouth, they can deliver that little fragment to their nasal passages and lungs.

That little fragment enters one of your cells and tacks its blueprint onto yours.

Every time you make things you need for your own cells and you print out copies of your blueprint, you also print out copies of the virus’s blueprint. 
The thing to remember here is that this is ALWAYS happening, every day that you live on this earth.

We live in a world that is crowded with critters not visible to the naked eye. There are more bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites in your own body than your own cells—some are critical to your survival.

How do we survive in this invisible microbiome? We have a really sophisticated and well developed immune system that is designed to notice critters of every kind and to knock them out.

If you are immunocompromised, this means that your immune system is not at its best, but it does NOT mean you will get the virus and get sick.

It means compared to someone who is not immunocompromised, if both of you run your hand on a doorknob and pick your noses, you are more likely to have cold symptoms.

If you do get “sick”, that does not mean you will get very sick. Even if you are immunocompromised, it's still true that over 80 percent of people do not get very sick and instead just have mild respiratory symptoms that resemble a cold.

Also, typically, even if you are weaker, your immune system will take care of it, it just takes longer. Antibiotics won’t help and can make things worse. 

Immuno supportive supplements can help but nothing can replace sleep, lots of green leafy veg and bright colored fruits, meditation, yoga, prayer...and a little bit of cardiovascular exercise to strengthen your immune system.

Here’s what we do know about this strain:

ϖ The only difference between this virus and its cousins is it can last longer on surfaces. So if someone coughs, sneezes etc, on a table, that little jelly thing can live there for maybe even one day.

ϖ There is still NO change from what I’ve told you before about transmission. You CANNOT get a virus by living in the world.

ϖ There are only two ways to get a virus:

  1. To be coughed or sneezed on by someone who is less than 6 feet from you so that respiratory droplets land directly in your nose, eyes, mouth.


  2. To touch a surface that has been coughed or sneezed on and then touch your face.

An example would be if the person who has a virus coughs in their hand and touches a door knob and you touch the same doorknob let’s say 20 min later and then touch your face. 

But just because you are exposed, (see above) does not mean you will get sick.

General precautions for generally healthy people:

♣Do NOT touch your face

♣Wash your hands in case you forget and do touch your face

♣Wipe down high touch surfaces with a bleach containing solution

♣Do not let your kids or elderly family members hang out in crowds where people are coughing

♣Teach your family to cough into their armpit

Precautions for our Vulnerable Patients:

If you are worried or unsure if you are vulnerable, I expect you to schedule a 15 min phone conversation with me or Dr. March at (248) 798-2942 or to learn if you are at risk or need to take specific precautions. 

Please know, if you haven’t gotten bloodwork done in three months, we will need to draw blood before we speak to you. If you have blood work, I still may do a repeat CBC.

At AIM we are defining our vulnerable patients as:

ϖOver 75

ϖAnyone with COPD (asthma, chronic bronchitis or emphysema)

ϖAnyone getting chemotherapy, radiation or targeted therapy (not hormonal therapy)

ϖAnyone who had surgery (not reconstruction) within the last three weeks.

ϖAnyone currently fighting leukemia, lymphoma

ϖAnyone with an absolute lymphocyte count under 1.0

ϖAnyone with a total WBC count of under 2.5

If you are in this group, I’d like you to limit unnecessary interactions and stay home for the next 3 weeks, like a self quarantine. 

If you are in this group, I’m advising a travel restriction for 6 weeks unless it’s absolutely essential. 

15 min phone conversations are an opportunity for you to ask specific questions about your situation and also to MODIFY the self-quarantine. 

You are each unique individuals in unique situations, the quarantine can be modified for your circumstances; however, please do not modify without speaking with one of us. 

The Office Environment:

You do NOT need to come in if you are opposed to doing so, but for those of you that fall under “General Precautions,” it is safe to do so. 

If you are scheduled with us, barring medical emergency, you do need to keep your appointment.

We have to ask for your patience. As we move many patients onto tele conference, there may be delays in when we get to you. Similar to longer than usual wait times in the waiting room, we will still expect that even if we are running late to get to you, you will be available to talk. 

We have implemented protective measures for you and our staff. These include:

  1. Daily meetings with oncology at three large hospital complexes in the region to make sure that our safety protocols are consistent with theirs.

  2. Daily internal meetings with our clinical staff to discuss emerging data.

  3. Our offices are cleaned with hospital grade cleaning products, especially our “high-touch” surfaces, multiple times a day.

  4. We are running filters that do clean the air of airborne particulate, including viruses and will filter every square inch of our two clinical spaces while you are in office to prevent any airborne transmission (which at this time, is not necessary).

  5. We have a new “no touch” policy to avoid skin-to-skin contact where we will not shake hands, fist bump, or do physical exams that involve skin-to-skin contact.

  6. We will contact you before your appointment to move you to phone or Zoom instead of having you come into the office to avoid you coming in unnecessarily.

  7. The admin and front desk, who really carry the brunt of all of the grind associated with these changes are critical personnel for us. We cannot serve you if Kyle, Emily, Sydney and Diana are not well. For that reason, all front desk persons will be wearing a mask and/or gloves while in office to protect them from multiple patient contacts.

  8. We clean the offices at night and the morning before clinic DAILY with hospital grade antimicrobial products.

  9. All of our clinical equipment is sterilized after each patient use.

  10. ALL clinicians wash their hands before and after each patient contact, including mental health.

  11. We have fliers posted on the building and on our door advising patients on what to do if they have a cough or cold symptoms.

What do you need to do to protect us so we can continue to serve you?

Please only bring a family member with you into the clinic if they are necessary for you to walk, hear or process information. Otherwise, to keep traffic low flow, only patients who are well enough to be in office and need to be seen in office will be in the clinic for the next three weeks.

Please do NOT come to the office if you have been in contact with someone who has cold or flu symptoms, has tested positive for, or is suspected to have, TB, Hepatitis, (Herpes Zoster) Shingles, Chicken Pox; or if you yourself have cold symptoms or a dry cough.

Please call us from your car and we will escort you from the parking lot, and will help you get to the office safely.

Do show up for your appointments, even if they are on the phone or zoom and be seated and at home. We will not talk to patients if they are in a public place or in transit and you will be charged for the time.

I want to close by saying the following: First, we will continue to keep you posted. I realize that you may be afraid. Don’t be. We are committed to keeping you safe, and we really will be okay, as a community and as a society.

Second, you really only have one gold star weapon against a virus: Don’t touch your face. 

Third, as people are unable to gather in large groups at community centers, churches, support centers, addiction groups, concerts, and so on, people will start to feel isolated. Please use this as an opportunity to demonstrate that love is greater than fear. 

Fourth, this can be an opportunity to allow our character to shine. 

Do not forget your neighbors, reach out to the elderly people in your building. Continue with support groups over the phone. Small groups meeting at homes are safe. Model for your homebound children civic action. Public schools were providing meals for kids from poorer families, reach out to those who may need a hand. Just don’t shake hands!  

Do not buy every roll of toilet paper on the shelves, leave a roll for someone else. Frankly toilet paper has no real purpose in this crisis. Do NOT buy surgical masks or medical supplies. That action is one of the reasons why we are ending up with this quarantine, it puts medical staff at risk as there aren’t supplies left. Because our doctors and support staff have high volume exposure to sick people, they can be unable to work or worse, become a vector to spread disease. 

Try to reinvest in ways of communing with each other and your kids that we have gotten away from. Don’t go to play centers, malls and movie theaters with them, read, write, paint, play outside. Recognize that as caregivers of grade school kids have to make adjustments, people are trying to communicate remotely, and our healthcare workers are slammed and under resourced, we all need to be a little more patient and forgiving of each other. 

Accept that there is some financial loss associated with these changes and that will change, treat it as a time to slow down, recognize the long game and take good care of yourself. 

The government’s reaction to this crisis has nothing to do with any one of us getting a respiratory infection. It has to do with the lack of supplies and infrastructure necessary to manage high traffic flus and pneumonias. The quarantine is to lower the burden on the system as much as it is to protect you. So don’t worry, you still have a life to live. Email us at or call (248) 798-2942 to modify precautions. 

This will pass. 

Be well and with love,

Drs. Roy and March

A love letter to those we have lost

When I was 7 weeks pregnant, my best friend tragically lost her seven-month-old baby. His name was Maddox.

Today, October 10th, 2019, he would have been five.

We spent every day together for years. As the shock wore off and my sadness for her set in, I didn’t expect or notice that there was a part of me that would be forever different.

It makes sense now. As a doctor working in cancer, I see what I couldn’t see when I look back.

I had held him against my own chest and visualized my coming child in his smiling face.

Maddox dying taught me that there is unpredictability in the world.

It primed my brain to note that there’s danger all around. When our survival or safety is threatened, our brains go on hyper alert. It can manifest like anxiety, beating heartbeat, inability to sleep.

That’s what a diagnosis does.

That’s what loss does.

I ended up having some complications in pregnancy, which at the time I could not see could have been minor. Elevated liver enzymes set off a cascade of panic and I was frantic and profoundly anxious.

People who loved me told me I needed help. I didn’t think I did.

After all, it wasn’t my baby who died.

I did. I still do.

Maddox’s death has changed me. Changed me in good ways and not so good ways.

Changed how I choose to live my life.

Changed how much I prioritize my own children.

In many ways the gift that Maddox gave me was my desire to work in cancer. The desire to help people rebuild their bodies, their relationships, live happier and healthier lives in survivorship

Author Brene Brown said it best , “When you honor what you have, you’re honoring what I’ve lost.”

I offer you this thought. “Pain is supposed to change you”

Some of you are in IT, right now. Take care of yourself. Like with what happened to me, your body keeps the score. I invite you to accept who you are on the other side.

Happy birthday, sweet Maddox. You are missed.

If you need some extra help getting through this season, we have some excellent therapists on board.

Call us. We can help

maddox and sruti.jpg

Wishing for a PAUSE button on life

I don’t know if you are having a good week or a bad week? A restful or a stressful week?


I was travelling all weekend and launched into a week full of late nights. (I had the pleasure of meeting some of you though, at Gilda’s club on Monday night and it was such a treat! I had a lovely time.)


If I’m being honest, it’s been a long week.


It didn’t go as perfectly executed as I hoped. I didn’t make all the dinners I had planned, or catch my workouts.


We all have these weeks and it can be entire months sometimes.


I wish I could just PUSH PAUSE on all areas of my life: catch up on sleep, catch up on cooking, chores, self care, time with my family, etc.


Don’t get me wrong- I LOVE my work- and I love my (day) job.


Like most of you, its ONE of MANY JOBS I have and one of many ROLES I play.


Like you, I am also a partner, mother, sister and friend.


Somewhere between all those roles, I can easily lose sight of “ME”.

Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 5.29.01 PM.png

I see this so much in patients, especially ones that are sicker right now than they want to be.  Ones that are caring for loved ones.


Life isn’t really going to give us a pause button- we have to create it.


It may not look like a weekly massage- although if you can do that, that’s AMAZING.


But it can look like moments of quiet, moments to sip tea, moments to walk alone with our thoughts.


It is in these times we CREATE a feeling of pause. And that stillness amidst the hustle of our lives, it feeds us.


It sustains us.


So take an intentional pause with me today. Take one everyday if you can. It is a secret to health. Mental and Physical Health. 


If life has felt more overwhelming than normal, reach out to any health professional for help. 


Be Well.


My FAVORITE Supplement for Fighting Stress

Chronic stress can show up like abdominal obesity, pre-diabetes, headaches, muscle tension, insomnia, FEELING EXHAUSTED, or even stomach & reproductive issues.

When I see that stress is an OVERACTIVE part of your life, I start looking into why. HOW has your stress hormone, Cortisol, been affected?

Are you wired and unable to sleep, or sleepy all the time?

When are you the MOST tired in your day? How do you feel after eating?

These are just a few questions to start peeling back HOW the stress is affecting you.

Stress isn’t all-bad though. It protects us when we are in real danger, and helps us get things done, too.

The GOAL is to be able to WEATHER the stress in our lives a little EASIER.

There is a class of plant medicines that helps with this exactly.

They are called ADAPTOGENS. They help us build RESILIENCE to stress

My FAVORITE adaptogen is called Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera).


It has been widely used in the Indian subcontinent for centuries.

I've been putting in in my smoothie.

It’s exciting to me to see that the research is catching up- to what this herb can do. It has been more recently studied for its effects on lowering anxiety, improving insomnia, low sex drive, weight loss etc. One study showed that 60 days of use helped lower stress levels by 44%. [1]

I’m going to be talking about a couple more of my favorite supplements for stress on Wednesday 5/30, 6:30 at True Rest Float Spa in Farmington Hills.

If you are done having stress run your life, I'll see you there.

[1] Chandrasekhar, K., Jyoti Kapoor, and Sridhar Anishetty. "A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults." Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine34.3 (2012): 255.

Sharma, Ashok Kumar, Indraneel Basu, and Siddarth Singh. "Efficacy and Safety of Ashwagandha Root Extract in Subclinical Hypothyroid Patients: A Double-Blind, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial." The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 24.3 (2018):

Dongre, Swati, Deepak Langade, and Sauvik Bhattacharyya. "Efficacy and safety of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root extract in improving sexual function in women: a pilot study." BioMed research international 2015 (2015).

Enjoy the Sun AND Keep your Skin Looking Younger

I don't know about you but I have been waiting for spring since Christmas. Now that the sun is roaring, let's talk about how to enjoy the sun and still give our skin a break! 

What's the big deal?

The sun’s UV rays damage our skin cells and cause mutations, which increases our ability to develop skin cancer. In addition, the sun ACCELERATES THE SIGNS OF AGING.

Use these 5 QUICK tips to enjoy the sun more safely. Your skin will thank you. 

  1. Try avoiding direct sunlight from 11-3PM. 
    This is when the sun’s UV rays are a lot higher

  2. Use tight woven cotton clothing if you need to be outside to act as a BARRIER, and its still breathable and light. 

  3. Use a hat, that is WIDE brimmed. Our faces are exposed to the sun so frequently they need extra protection.

  4. Use a high quality SPF and REAPPLY

  5. This one technically isn’t SKIN related, but find sunglasses that use 100% UV protection OR UV 400 protection

Happy SPRING. 


The Best Way to Make Grocery Trips MUCH easier

The Best Way to Make Grocery Trips MUCH easier

It's Friday afternoon. Your stomach is giving you that all-too familiar grumble.
You open the fridge, and there is…. nothing.
Your produce and snacks for the week are either gone or too old.
SIGH.  If you are like me, the end of the week is a little bit of a danger zone.

Is it just me- or am I the only one that is SO much less motivated to go to the grocery store as the week winds down?

So my latest solution?

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How to CHEAT When You Are TOO Tired to Cook

How to CHEAT When You Are TOO Tired to Cook

It’s the end of the week. You are tired.

Maybe its been a long day or you are just not motivated to cook tonight.

Buddy’s pizza is calling your name.
But you know you aren’t going to love how you feel afterward.

This is REAL LIFE. Real life is filled with times like this- where healthy eating and weight loss feels a bit like a chore.

You know that your body needs it, though. So what CAN you do?

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A Simple Tip to KEEP the WEIGHT OFF This Summer

A Simple Tip to KEEP the WEIGHT OFF This Summer

Usually, I have really good intentions at the grocery store. I always buy vegetables and stock up on some of my healthy staples. Lately, somewhere between paying for these good intentions and storing them in my fridge for the next week, I am suddenly throwing them all out because I was too _____ (fill the the blank) to make them. 

What has changed?

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Handling Change and the Journey Back to Center

Lately, life has been constantly shifting for me and I have allowed my health to take a back seat. Sound familiar? If I tell you that the last several months have included a cross-country move, buying and selling cars, buying a house (without seeing it!), the trappings of life with a toddler, and both my husband and I starting new jobs, you can understand how that may have happened.

We all face this in some way. No one is immune to life’s unique set of challenges for us. Something knocks us out of center and it is a constant journey to come back. Sometimes the return is quick and fairly painless. Other times, it requires more energy and some real pain.

I’ll tell you, this one has been longer and more painful than I expected. I want to skip this part and fast forward to building a community and just get to the "fun parts" of life here. I’m realizing that is not the point. These experiences are here to teach me: lessons about managing my time, lessons about so much more.

One of my teachers once told me that these experiences are very similar to the practice of yoga. Say- when you start to hold Warrior II pose. At first, you feel the pinch of uncomfortable-ness and you confront your own resistance. As the instructor tells you to “use your breath and breathe into the pose”, half your mind is SCREAMING to stop, the other half lets you stay there. It shows up. You hold on, beads of sweat rolling down your back and you can feel the tension ease in certain parts and hold tight in others.

Change is like that, too. Our brains are screaming for the uncomfortable-ness to stop. The practice comes when we use our breath to relax into the pose. That does not mean that we aren’t going to feel the stretch or that it suddenly becomes easy. It just means we know we can experience it and come out on the other side. We have to keep showing up to learn the lessons, though.  

Through my BIG move, I have learned so much.  In fact, some easy tips that I can’t wait to share with you like how to eat out and be healthier. I learned how to simplify and automate parts of my life, cheat with food prep, and how to practice mindfulness and get back to some basic self care when it’s the last thing I want to do. But that’s too much for today… I’ll save that for next week.

What is your current Warrior II? Are you relaxing into the pose?

back to center