Why Every Cancer Patient Needs a Cardiologist


Joel Kahn, MD
Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity
31500 Telegraph Rd. Suite #215
Bingham Farms, MI 48025
(248) 218-0091

In honor of Valentine’s Day and Heart Health Month, we are featuring our friend, and medical supervisor, cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn.

Dr. Kahn’s unique practice, the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity, in Bingham Farms, Michigan, offers a groundbreaking integrative approach to heart health for our cancer patients.

Born with a heart murmur, Dr. Kahn visited pediatric cardiology frequently throughout his childhood. All of the lights and beeping noises piqued his interest. 

After spending 25 years in interventional cardiology, practicing from a conventional perspective, Dr. Kahn realized he was “chasing his tail.” There was a way to prevent patients from needing a stent in the first place and his proverbial heart was in keeping his patients out of the operating room.

A vegan from age 18, Dr. Kahn made the courageous decision to leave the safety, security, and prestige of interventional cardiology, to return to his roots and bring the robust and growing data on nutrition to his practice as a cardiologist.

Our mission at Associates of Integrative Medicine is to make sure that every person diagnosed with cancer sees a FABNO who can partner with oncology to prevent side effects from chemoradiation, increase tolerance and compliance, and help the patient return to optimal health in survivorship. 

In order for AIM’s model to be effective, we need to collaborate with specialists in cardiology, endocrinology, and gastroenterology who have chosen to become educated in oncologic management and who can help manage higher-level concerns using a therapeutic approach that moves from least invasive to most. 

Dr. Kahn points out that patients who have been exposed to chemotherapy and radiation can be at risk for cardiotoxicity. This means that it is of utmost importance to protect the heart muscle from damage and visit a cardiologist regularly for early detection of preventable issues. 

“Heart disease is a very common disease and it is mostly silent. Many people don’t know they have it, they may be older when they end up in cancer care, or they may have unknowingly had markers for some time. The focus is on caring for their cancer but just as importantly, and often missed, is the fact that they already have early-stage heart disease.

The good news is the earlier you can identify that there is a problem, the earlier you can approach both problems. We are going to be dealing with your cancer now, but we are going to emphasize natural approaches to heart disease in the long term as we don’t want to survive one and then face a crisis with the other.” -Joel Kahn, MD

Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of morbidity and mortality in cancer survivors. According to Dr. Kahn, cancer therapy can, over time, result in more rapid development of atherosclerosis — hardening of the arteries. It is important to screen for this condition and offset the ways life-saving treatment may accelerate a silent health problem.

Seeing Dr. Kahn is an out-of-pocket cost, as in the state of Michigan, consult for natural therapy is not covered under your insurance. Dr. Kahn is conscious of this challenge and does work with AIM patients to space out their care to optimize outcomes while sparing their wallets. Our conversation was a nice reminder that the cost of being sick is astronomical compared to the investment in prevention.

We want people to get through their treatment and be in remission or disease-free; and many, most in fact, survive. So then the conversation shifts. We have to talk about the rest of their life. Cancer and heart disease are neck-in-neck for the number one killer of men and women in the United States, and they very often occur in the same people and share a lot of the same causes: diet, smoking, fitness, stress, sleep, nutritional deficiencies.” -Joel Kahn, MD

Dr. Kahn works with the patients we have identified as having a heart risk on fine-tuning the lifestyle pieces including diet, stress management, quality sleep, and fitness that will optimize heart function, but he also manages their medical prescriptions and refers for appropriate testing to give him and our patients measurable results.

Dr. Roy states, “Just because we are looking at natural therapies, doesn’t mean we can ignore foundational testing, EKG, Echo, Stress test, and blood work. But Dr. Kahn digs deeper, he orders tests that can give us the age of your arteries, assess for the extent of atherosclerosis; and he does a more advanced analysis of lipids and other heart markers.” 

Dr. Kahn discussed how cardio-oncology is an emerging field in institutional and academic settings. These doctors are well versed in drug management and the impact on cardiac parameters, but their toolbox may be limited to drug management. Their primary role is to optimize the patient’s tolerance to chemotherapy and advise oncology as to the course of treatment that is the least impactful on the heart. They are not really focused on long-term care and “holistic” health, as in, how working on heart health through lifestyle changes can lower the risk of recurrence of cancer itself. 

Dr. Kahn is a lifelong educator and a lifelong student. He empowers patients to take control of their health by curating a dedicated reading and viewing list. Here is a taste:

  • The Plant-Based Solution: America's Healthy Heart Doc's Plan to Power Your Health by Joel Kahn

  • The Game Changers presented by James Cameron

Drs. Kahn and Roy made a commitment to their education in cardio-oncology, traveling together for continuing education in the cardiovascular care of cancer patients through the American College of Cardiology. At the present time, Dr. Kahn has elected for a fellowship in genetic medicine to further individualize how lifestyle changes may impact outcomes with heart health.

As our medical supervisor, Dr. Kahn makes it possible for our patients to cover their medical services, like labs, procedures, and referrals, under insurance. His generosity makes it possible for thousands to receive the highest level of care and live cancer-free or live well with cancer.

Dr. Roy and Dr. March are very special doctors and uniquely trained. They have hearts of gold but they also have brains of gold. What I hear from patients about the care they get at AIM is superb. It’s exciting to hear about that level of care delivery. They are my go-to for natural treatment of supporting cancer patients and other health issues and it is my honor to see their heart patients.” -Joel Kahn, MD

Interview was taken by Sydney Davis, Medical Assistant in Training

What is Reiki and How Does it Help Us in the Fight Against Cancer


Dear Patients, Friends, & Family, 

We rigorously and consistently scour the data looking for modalities and techniques that can offer true healing for our patients with the goal of optimal wellness. We love our oncologists, but our field is unfortunately not comprehensive enough when considering safe, non-toxic, and gentle therapies that can have profound long-lasting effects, during treatment AND in survivorship.

Here at AIM, we aren’t interested in survivorship, but thrivorship. We want to see our patients become optimally well. We believe that looks different for each individual and can be achieved, at every stage of life. 

Given the growing clinical evidence and the moving experience many have with body work, we have decided to include Reiki this year, and to add to it: essential oil therapy, flower remedies, infrared heat with crystals, pressure therapy, sound therapy, and guided visualization.

What is Reiki?

The word ‘Reiki’ comes from the Japanese word ‘Rei’ meaning “Universal Life” and ‘Ki’ meaning “Energy”. It is a subtle and effective form of energy work to balance physical and emotional energies and facilitate an environment for healing physically, mentally, and emotionally.

How does Reiki work?

Once referred by one of our AIM doctors, your medical team, or your mental health therapist, we will schedule you for a one-hour session. I will tell you a bit about Reiki and answer any questions that you may have, then we will spend 10-15 minutes on a consultation where we talk about your concerns and goals.

We plan to use multiple healing modalities that have growing evidence that they fight cancer on a deep level along with our reiki sessions. Our intention is to introduce a parasympathetic response and calm the nervous system while achieving the following health goals:

  1. Restore Clarity of Thought

  2. Reduce Stress

  3. Reduce Anxiety 

  4. Cope with Grief and Loss

  5. Help release Resentment and Grievances

  6. Help with trauma and PTSD

  7. Help with systemic inflammation

  8. Restore sleep

  9. Reconnect and restore trust in the body and our internal ability to heal.

How will we accomplish this?

We will prepare the space using aromatherapy individualized to your specific needs. Aromatherapy is a healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts medicinally to promote health and well-being. Data shows that aromatherapy can improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety levels, and has the potential for improving cognitive function.

We will integrate a sound wave therapy called binaural beats, which are tones of specific frequencies to encourage healing. Listening to binaural beats can significantly decrease sympathetic response and increase parasympathetic response, meaning they improve physical and psychological indications of stress. Certain frequencies may improve cognitive function, sleep, and anxiety.

Depending on your needs and with consult from our mental health therapist, we may instead choose a weighted blanket that has evidence that it helps with introducing a parasympathetic response for some and guided visualization formulated to fight cancer, optimize immune function, treat anxiety, or address PTSD. Guided visualizations have been shown to be highly effective in improving sleep, reducing stress, and helping to process resentment, grief, and trauma.

Our therapeutic bed will be equipped with infrared heat to increase circulation, lower inflammation, and soothe muscles. Our infrared mat delivers a therapeutic level of deeply penetrative heat that can induce a healing response. If you are unable to lay flat on a table, we can modify using a seated method. Our infrared mats deliver heat with crystals: jade and tourmaline. To enhance the meditative and energetic experience, you may choose a crystal that you feel drawn to, to hold, or to place on your body to direct your attention and focus. 

During the treatment, and with your permission, I will place my hands in specific placements over the endocrine glands and nerve plexuses, hovering about 1-3 inches above your body. As you know, the body is made of energy; from the atoms that make up our being to the chemical and electrical impulses that keep us alive, there is a constant flow of energy at work throughout the body. I am trained to focus positive, healing energy through this exercise to support your body’s natural ability to heal. Reiki helps to restore homeostasis within the human energy field to cultivate a healing environment for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Reiki can help lower pain, anxiety, fatigue, and has data in improving these specific to oncology patients.

During our session, you may feel a subtle vibration, heat, pressure, tingling, something like magnets, or nothing at all. You may have an emotional release. You may suddenly cry, laugh, or want to talk. These are all OK and quite common. The most common experience is a feeling of deep relaxation and release of stress and tension. 

It is important to drink a lot of water after your Reiki treatment to aid in the cleansing process. You will be offered a clean glass of water enhanced with a flower essence remedy before and after treatment. These remedies can help process deeper emotions that may surface through the sessions.

In a study published in 2016, researchers divided 122 people into three groups: Massage + Rest (G1), Massage + Reiki (G2), and a Control group without intervention (G3). The groups were evaluated using scales to manage stress and anxiety after 2 sessions a week for 4 weeks. The researchers found a 33% reduction in stress and 21% reduction in anxiety, with the greatest gains being in the group that did both Reiki and massage. 

Stay posted because we plan to bring on massage next.

Want to know more?

Call Associates of Integrative Medicine at (248) 798-2942 or send us a message through the Contact Us page on our website, aimnatural.com to book your appointment.

Be Well,

Sydney, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Level II

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PMID: 27901219

Cancer-Fighting Sweet Potato Soup

Hi All! It is officially fall-time in the midwest which means it’s SOUP SEASON! This past weekend I cooked up a healthful Sweet Potato Soup inspired by one of our favorite books at AIM, The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen by Rebecca Katz.

This cancer-fighting soup consists of a healthful homemade broth blended with baked sweet potatoes to create a creamy, nutrient-dense, and spice-filled soup.

Grocery list: 6 carrots, 2 yellow onions, 1 leek, 1 bunch celery, 4 red potatoes, parsley, black peppercorns, bay leaves, 3 large sweet potatoes, coconut oil, sea salt, spices: ground cinnamon, allspice, cardamom, & nutmeg
*Try to buy all organic vegetables

Step One: The Broth

Start by washing your vegetables in a veggie wash or with vinegar and rinse. Then prepare them: 6 carrots cut into fourths, 2 unpeeled yellow onions cut into chunks, 1 leek cut into thirds, 1 bunch celery cut into thirds, 4 unpeeled red potatoes cut into chunks, 1 bunch parsley, 12 black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, 8 quarts filtered water, 1 t salt.

Screen Shot 2020-11-17 at 12.44.59 AM.png

Combine in a large pot, cover, and bring to a boil. Once boiling, remove the lid and simmer for approximately 3 hours. This is a good time to start working on step two, the soup.

After about 3 hours of simmering, the vegetables should be flavorless mush and you will have a flavorful broth. Strain out the vegetables and let cool.

Step Two: The Soup

Preheat oven to 400F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Peel and dice 3 large sweet potatoes and toss with 2 T coconut oil. Stir together ¼ t sea salt, ½ t ground cinnamon, ½ t ground allspice, ¼ t ground cardamom, ⅛ t nutmeg and mix with sweet potatoes. Bake 40 minutes.

Pour ⅓ C of your homemade broth into a blender, add ⅓ of the roasted potatoes and blend until smooth. Transfer to a soup pot over low heat and repeat the process two more times. Stir in any remaining broth and add salt to taste.

Pour into your favorite soup bowl, curl up with a soft blanket, and enjoy!

Store leftovers in the refrigerator 5-7 days or freeze up to 2 months.

Golden Milk Recipe

Happy Saturday everyone!

I recently made Golden Milk for the first time. Golden Milk is a traditional Indian drink that has some health benefits and has been gaining popularity in Western culture.

The magic ingredient in Golden Milk is turmeric, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Turmeric is a root that is sourced out of southeast Asia and has been used historically for anti-aging and cancer care. Turmeric pairs well with ginger, which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiemetic properties, meaning these two spices are known to naturally reduce inflammation in the gut, protect cells from damage, and calm upset stomachs.

Here is our recipe:

Boil a cup of non-dairy milk* (I used almond milk, but you can also use coconut, oat, hemp, or cashew) mixed with ½-1 tsp organic turmeric powder, ½ tsp ginger, a pinch of cinnamon, and a pinch of black pepper. Once it’s boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for a couple of minutes. Pour into a mug, add manuka or raw honey and cardamom to taste.

*Note: You can use dairy milk if you prefer, make sure it is organic and hormone-free. It is best to use manuka or raw honey from a glass jar for maximum health benefits.


Be Well,

Sydney — Admin Lead, Associates of Integrative Medicine