Digestive Enzymes

In honor of November being pancreatic cancer awareness month, we are featuring two products:

Digestive Enzymes Ultra with HCl from Pure Encapsulations


Bromelain 2400 from Pure Encapsulations.

One of the jobs of the pancreas is to make enzymes to help us to digest our food and absorb the nutrients from it. So as the food comes from the stomach to the small intestine, the pancreas dumps trypsin and chymotrypsin - digest proteins; amylase - digest carbohydrates; and lipase - break down fat. The bile duct dumps bile into the same space to assist in the breakdown of fat.

Only when food has been broken down into its macronutrients: fat, protein, carbohydrates, can the wall of the small intestine absorb it and send it to nourish the body.

When we lose parts of the pancreas or the organ is compromised, it’s very hard to digest food and absorb it properly. We may have issues with “dumping” where food just runs right through; weight loss and muscle wasting, and stomach cramping.

Digestive Enzymes Ultra, as a supplement, is a nice addition to pharmaceutical enzymes like Creon. It’s something that can be paired with snacks, taken in between meals, or used to modify dosages of Creon so we rely on less of the drug, less frequently.

For those of us without cancer who struggle with finicky stomachs: bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea or poorly formed stool, skin issues, irritability, weight issues, sluggishness after meals; or for when we indulge in a meal that may be heavier in meat or more difficult to digest, Bromelain is a better choice.

Bromelain is formulated from the hard pithy core of pineapple fruit. It’s a single agent enzyme that acts as a digestive aid. We use it away from food to digest scar tissue and as an anti-inflammatory; but with food, Bromelain tenderizes proteins and making them more vulnerable to powerful pancreatic enzymes and thereby easier to digest.

Talk to Drs. March or Roy to see if either of these are right for you.

You can access either of these supplements at BewellwithAIM.com and for the month of November, we have requested a 10% discount on both.

Ask the Doctor: Pumpkin Seed Oil and Preventing Prostate Cancer

Ask the Doctor:

Q: Is Pumpkin Seed Oil or Extract good for men trying to prevent prostate cancer?

A: Okay so the real question here is, given the confusing, contradictory claims about supplements, and the money we need to spend on essential supplements, “Is pumpkin seed the best “bang for our buck”?

It’s worth starting with how we evaluate data in what we call an “evidence-based approach” at Associates of Integrative Medicine.

We do not use anecdotal or preclinical data when we are treating you.

Anecdotal data is:

● “First Nations people used pumpkin seeds to treat urinary problems and intestinal issues which led the United States Pharmacopoeia to list pumpkin seeds as an official medicine for parasite elimination from 1863 to 1936.”

● “In traditional Chinese medicine, pumpkin seeds are used as an anti-parasitic and to treat high blood pressure.”

● “Mexican herbalists have used pumpkin for metabolic control.”

These things are historically true. Anecdotal data is powerful, moving, and suggestive. Meaning, it gives us a ton of clues as to how a plant can be used.

Preclinical data is:

“Researchers at the University of Nottingham, England, applied pumpkin seed oil to prostate and breast cancer cells in a controlled setting and found a 20-70% decrease in the rate of cell growth.

Authors conclude that the cell growth inhibition for fast growing cells together with the cell growth inhibition of prostate-, breast- and colon cancer cells corroborates the ethnomedical use of pumpkin seeds as a treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia and potential adjunct for treatment of prostate cancer.”

Preclinical data is exciting and gives well-funded groups an incentive to try the plant on people.

But neither anecdotal or preclinical data are strong enough for us to use it in treating you or making supplement recommendations.

When WE look at data at AIM, we look at clinical trials in humans. And we look to see what factors contributed to the conclusions, were nutrition, stress, lifestyle, sleep and other issues taken into account. And further, we look to see if that data is reproduced consistently over time.

On the other hand, it’s also not true when your oncologist tells you that there are no natural therapies with human data! What IS true is you have to know HOW to look….but enough on data.

Let’s get to some nitty gritty on prostate cancer.

The prostate is a gland that sits like a cushion between the bladder and the penis. The urethra, which carries urine from the bladder out, travels through the prostate and is also the tube by which we transport semen out of the penis.

The prostate’s job is to produce prostatic fluid, which is a nourishing and protecting liquid that suspends sperm (which are produced in the testicles) and supports them in movement. During ejaculation, the prostate contracts and the prostatic fluid joins the sperm to make what we call semen (sperm + prostatic fluid).

As we age, the prostate can become enlarged because of several conditions. The three most common prostate problems are

1. benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH);

2. prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate sometimes caused by an infection;

3. cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide with 1.2 million new cases. It’s analogous to breast cancer in women, as the prostate, like the breast, is a glandular tissue that relies on hormonal regulation, is partnered to reproductive development and is vulnerable to environmental and dietary stress.

As such, both breast and prostate cancer are typically diseases of aging. If we autopsy 100 men over age 90, we will find prostate cancer in almost all of these men.

Heads up, guys! There is a ton of money devoted to preventing and treating breast cancer because women are well organized and vocal behind their collective health. Men need to model themselves here and really work towards opening themselves up to talking about their intimate health. Get vocal! Like early stage breast, if caught early, prostate cancer is a curable disease.

Your life and that of your brothers is worth fighting for.

I know, I know, what about pumpkin?! I promise I will get there.

Sigh. It’s expensive to see us, and there is so much that goes into how we formulate an individualized approach to treatment, that we need to use every minute to design the highest performance strategy unique to YOUR circumstances, so we rarely get a chance to teach to all these pearls that we think are necessary to live your best life.

Back to the Great Pumpkin Debate. For those of you impatient for the answer, pumpkin seed has NO clinical data that it is effective in the treatment of prostate cancer.

But there is MORE to the story which means there are more sophisticated ways to look at the data.

To know where to look, a good doctor needs to understand what pumpkin seed is. Pumpkin seed is a phytosterol. Phytosterols are plant-based compounds found in:

Pumpkin seeds > soy beans > green peas > sesame > kidney beans > pistachio nuts > lentils > cashews > oranges > almonds > olive oil > banana > brussels sprouts.

Phytosterols are like kryptonite to cholesterol. When we consume them, they interfere with the intestinal absorption of cholesterol in our diet and they also cause the body to increase the amount of cholesterol we dump in our poop.

Clinical data DOES conclusively show us that daily consumption of phytosterols from food can significantly lower our serum LDL (low density lipoprotein). An average phytosterol intake of 2 g/day lowers LDL by up to 10%.

Why does this matter? Right now, older drugs are being repurposed and used in an experimental way to prevent prostate cancer. One of these is a class of drugs called statins. Epidemiologic findings suggest that statins use may have a beneficial effect on the risk of prostate cancer progression and death. This gives us some indication that the root cause of prostate disease may have something to do with inflammation in the microenvironment due to how we use fat and sugar.

So can we conclude a supplement high in at least phytosterols in our clinic is at least protective by virtue of lowering LDL and perhaps getting at the root cause of prostate disease? Perhaps. But we would want that same supplement to be high as well in phytoestrogens.

What are these?

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plant compounds that are hormone modulators. Genistein and daidzein, the predominant phytoestrogens in human nutrition, are derived mainly from soybeans, lentils and other legumes.

Phytoestrogens may reduce prostate cancer risk by favorably altering the hormonal milieu or by inhibition of 5-alpha reductase (5-AR), which decreases concentrations of the more prostate-active androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It’s this potent DHT that causes accelerated growth of prostate cells and may result in more cell errors (cancer).

The higher intake of soy products among Asian men has been hypothesized to be one reason for the lower incidence of prostate cancer among these men. In humans, most of the case-control studies have shown a modest protective benefit of soy on prostate cancer risk.

Okay so we are making some progress here!

We have narrowed our recommendation to supplements high in phytosterols and phytoestrogens AND at the same time we have expanded our investigation to look at nutritional strategies that may modify cholesterol and hormonal health.

How does THIS data look? Are nutritional strategies protective? Conclusively YES!

A diet high in animal fat may be an important factor in the development of prostate cancer. In particular, intake of large amounts of alpha-linolenic acid and low amounts of linoleic acid appear to be associated with increased risk; this combination is common in red meat and some dairy products. High intake of cruciferous vegetables (particularly broccoli and cauliflower) was associated with a significantly lower risk of extra-prostatic tumors. More recently, an analysis of a prospective cohort of 51,529 men from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study has suggested that dietary intake of lycopene (found in cooked tomatoes) is associated with a lower incidence of prostate cancer and a decreased risk of lethal prostate cancer.

Okay, so now we know we need to look at a combination supplement that contains plant sterols and phytoestrogens and partner it with strategies that help our guys shift towards a plant based diet high in beans and legumes.

But can we pin pumpkin seed specifically here?

Knowing that breast and prostate are analogous and there is poorly funded and not readily available data on prostate and phytosterols, at AIM, we would expand our search to include breast.

A series case control studies in Uruguay found that dietary phytosterol intakes were lower in people diagnosed with stomach, lung, or breast cancer than in cancer-free control groups. Case-control studies in the US found that women diagnosed with breast or uterine cancer had lower dietary phytosterol intakes than women who did not have cancer.

Although higher intakes of plant foods containing phytosterols may be associated with lower cancer risk, it is not clear whether potential anticancer health benefits can be attributed to phytosterols or to other factors in eating plant foods (for example, we cannot account for vitamins, minerals, fiber, spiritual associations with avoiding animal fat).

So let’s back it up a bit, if the conclusions are so difficult to draw, what led researchers to look at phytosterols in the first place?

Well, we found that the investigation was based on robust animal data that looked at a type of phytosterol that inhibits prostate cancer. That phytosterol is sitosterol. So now we have only one more question: Does pumpkin seed contain high amounts of sitosterol?

Moderate amounts. Avocados contain much more. All nuts and seeds, oranges, beets and brussels sprouts are excellent choices. But avocados exceed every other choice in this category. If you eat one-half of an avocado, or about 2/3 cup of cubed avocado, you’ll consume 76 milligrams of beta-sitosterol, compared to 13 mg in a similar portion of pumpkin seeds.

A lot of men’s health blogs like Dr. Michael Murray, Livestrong, Life Extension, and urology blogs, discuss the content of zinc in pumpkin seed as being protective but in fact, the clinical data on zinc (supplementation) is mixed. Some studies show zinc as protective. Some show supplemental zinc as contributing to higher grade more aggressive lesions at diagnosis.

Okay, I know you may be confused. Don’t be. I am going to give you the takeaway.

Supplementation is tricky, and to us, it cannot replace good nutrition.

Supplements can only do two things:

1. Augment nutrition


2. In high doses, from a high quality source, with human data, be used as a therapeutic.

Pumpkin seeds are an EXCELLENT food choice. They play a minor role in prevention, but as a targeted supplement are not necessarily your best choice for fighting prostate cancer alone.

The most effective strategies involve understanding what causes prostate cells to:

1. Grow too fast, and

2. To make mistakes when they do grow

The following would be a good evidenced based and general primer for one of our guys who is on the younger side and is looking at prevention or risk reduction in survivorship.


So is Pumpkin Seed Oil or Extract good for men trying to prevent prostate cancer?

Yes, it has some benefit but a truly effective approach needs to be comprehensive and personalized.

If you cannot get 2 handfuls of organic high quality raw and unsalted pumpkin seeds into your diet daily, please consider the following:

✔ Men’s Pure Pack from Pure Encapsulations

✔ Prostate Support from Gaia

✔ Saw Palmetto Plus from Pure Encapsulations

✔ Prostate 5LX from New Chapter

From BewellwithAIM.com

You can put pumpkin seed in the search, and they should come up, or look them up individually. We hope this settles the Great Pumpkin Debate for good and gives you a lot more confidence in how we make decisions for our guys.

Each one of you are dear to us.

Dr. Roy

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Ask the Doctor: Xanax Vs. Natural Alternatives

Q: I’ve been thinking about Xanax for anxiety, are there natural options?

A: Anxiety is a global issue in the cancer community. Not just for patients but for caregivers as well. And understandably so.

As natural medicine doctors, we look at problems holistically. This means we are looking at the root not the symptoms.

Anxiety is a SYMPTOM. And it works on two levels: the mind and the body.

On the mental end, anxiety is the product of thinking about the Past or the Future.

Mindfulness techniques are to keep our minds from ruminating about the past or projecting into the future. In other words, techniques to train our minds to stay present in the moment we are in, and then as that moment passes, to stay present in the next moment we are in, and so on.

It gets easier with practice.

There are spiritual disciplines that focus ONLY on mindfulness, every moment of every day for that disciple’s entire life!

It’s not worth taking drugs or supplements for anxiety without looking at mindfulness first. Respond to us with your favorite resources. Here are some of ours:

—Mindfulness Meditations; websites: SimpleHabit.com; Mindful.org; Headspace.org
—Create a place for meditation, reflection, and prayer, perhaps using an altar, a shawl, a blanket, a mat, incense, crystals, a tasbih or rosary
—Use musical tracks that help you to create this level of presence: Album: Mother Divine; Youtube: Biaural beats; Healthjourneys.com
—Exercise for 30 minutes daily and try to do it (safely), to the point of being breathless
—Yoga: Hatha, Heated, Yin

On the body level, we have 12 big cranial nerves that run from the brain through the body and manage all executive function.

The 10th is called the vagus nerve. It manages the heart, lungs, stomach, small and large intestine, and rectum. It also manages anxiety. This is why anxiety causes an upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, breathlessness, hiccups, and chest pain.

It’s also why stomach issues, heart problems, and respiratory issues cause anxiety.

It’s important to work on bowel, heart, and lung function, AND we can redirect nerve stimuli from the anxiety pathway by doing things like focusing on Breathing.

In fact, a review of all the clinical data conclusively shows that a twice-daily, 10-minute practice of mindfulness meditation, breath work, and yoga reduces anxiety.

Breathwork can be something as simple as square breathing.
1. Inhale through the nose for a count of 6
2. Hold for a count of 6
3. Exhale through the mouth for a count of 6
4. Hold for a count of 6

After trying these approaches, if we aren’t seeing anxiety completely remit, it’s a good idea to add in natural therapies. Natural medicine doctors follow a therapeutic order with prescription from least invasive/impactful towards most, so often, unless anxiety is acute, we will start here.

The great thing about natural therapies for anxiety is that they are gentle, rarely interact with any other medications and supplements, and have little to no side effects. All of the therapies listed below are available through BewellwithAIM.com. Please remember, natural therapies are not necessarily safe over the counter. They can be contaminated, have source issues, can be contraindicated with a lot of medications, or can even contain carcinogens. If they are safe to get over the counter, or from alternative brands, then I will place a little “s” next to them for “safe to purchase” over the counter.

—Lavender (as an essential oil, capsule, or tea)
—Theanine (as a gummy, capsule, or tablet) (s)
—GABA (as a capsule)
—Passionflower (as a tea) (s)
—Hops (as a tea) (s)
—CBD (as a capsule, tincture, capsule)
—Chamomile (tea) (s)
—Skullcap (capsule)
—Ashwagandha (capsule, tea)
—Magnolia (capsule)
—Magnesium Glycinate (as a powder, capsule, liquid) (s)
—Melatonin (LOW DOSE only, capsule, gummy) (s)
—Lemon Balm (tea, tincture)

It’s not always so simple as just taking one of these things over the counter. We use combinations based on a holistic, individualized approach. As examples:

—If a patient is tired and wired, we may use a formula like Calm Restore from Gaia for 6 months to correct adrenal issues
—If the anxiety is manifests as difficulty sleeping, a lack of energy, cognitive fog and weepiness, we may use a combination called R.E.M. from Priority One.
—If a patient is waking up between 2 and 4 am, crashes in the afternoon, and is feeling burnt out or exhausted, we may try Cortisol Manager from Integrative Therapeutics.
—For sleep initiation, we may combine a formula with 100-400 mg of L-theanine and Lavender essential oil or Chamomile Tea.

Xanax, starting with a 0.25 mg dose, can be quick and effective for anxiety that comes on suddenly and based on a new situation. As in, “I’m having surgery the next day and can’t stop my mind from running.” It’s also a good conversation to begin with a psychiatrist or internist.

But Xanax is not a great drug to take for chronic anxiety (feelings that persist for more than 2 weeks), because we can become dependent, what looks like anxiety may be something else, and most IMPORTANTLY, if we START with Xanax, we don’t learn what mindfulness has the opportunity to teach us:

We only really have this moment.

It may be a surprising thing to realize, but this simple statement is perhaps, the only absolute truth that exists. 

If we can get current with this moment, and experience it, fully, we can face life in a far more meaningful way than we can imagine. 

Regretting the past and obsessing about the future, means we don’t live at all.

Go to BewellwithAIM to purchase supplements for anxiety but make sure to talk to Jessica (covered by your insurance) about mindfulness training and talk to Dr. Roy or Dr. March for personalized, individual strategies to manage anxiety.

Have a question for the doctor? Email us at Dr.Roy@aimnatural.com. We will publish the answer on Facebook, and our website.

Ask the Doctor: Curcumin Vs. Turmeric

In our inaugural newsletter, we are including a section called: Ask the Doctor. Send us emails with your questions at dr.roy@aimnatural.com. We will try to answer one or two in each bulletin. We will post the section on FB and on our website, so look for your answer there as well! 

Question:  “What is the difference between turmeric vs. curcumin?”. 

Answer: “Turmeric” refers to the root of the Curcuma longa plant. That whole root can be powdered, or crushed and used as a food.

“Curcumin” is one of many natural compounds found IN the turmeric root. 

Both turmeric as a whole root, and curcumin as an extract from that root, and have historical uses including well aging and anti inflammation, but CURCUMIN, extracted and in high doses is what we see used in a clinic setting as a therapeutic.

Here at AIM, we recommend, Curcumin from one of two companies: Thorne or Pure Encapsulations. The reason why is when turmeric is sourced into this country, it’s processed with solvents that can cause cancer! Only these two companies third party test for those solvents and others. We trust their process and we trust the cleanliness of the product. We cannot, and do not, recommend Curcumin over the counter. For our patients, it can be purchased safely, only at BeWELLwithAIM.com

Studies show that the doses for Curcumin to work well are rather high. This is a problem because they are large pills, you need to take a lot, you must take it with a fat and it’s most easily absorbed if attached to an extract of black pepper.

While CURCUMIN, not turmeric, in high doses in the right patient, can be a powerful cancer adjunct, it uses the same pathway in the liver as many immunotherapies, hormone blockers and chemotherapeutics, so it can make other drugs more or less effective. AND if you don’t have a well functioning digestive system, it can be hard to absorb. 

In our practice, each patient is approached HOLISTICALLY and INDIVIDUALLY. For a nourished woman trying to stay well in survivorship from ovarian, who is working on metabolic health and may have a well functioning gut, we may start with 2 grams of Curcumin from Thorne or Pure Encapsulations and slowly increase until we get her to 6 gms daily. For someone who has significant levels of inflammation and has just completed a course of chemotherapy for colorectal, we might try 500 mg of Curcumin daily and combine it with gut support. For someone who is trying to prevent heart disease with no history of cancer, we may try a moderate dose along with both pharmaceutical and natural options to optimize vascular flow and stress management. 

With natural medicine there is NO one sized fit all approach. It is a mistake to think of natural therapies as benign or safe across the board for all. This is a mistake that many patients, and doctors alike make. A one sized fit all approach, rather than PERSONALIZED care is still a feature of the culture of medicine.

Call us at 248 798 2942 to make an appointment with  Dr. Roy or March to learn whether you can add this powerful and ancient herb. Until then, enjoy the root, turmeric, as a food and check out our post on how to make it into a comforting nighttime drink.

PMID: 26537958